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US Adventure Racing With SOURCE Hydration

SOURCE Hydration supports this year’s US Adventure Racing National Championship in October and its qualifier races. Best of luck to all participating teams, stay hydrated!

Adventure Racing is definitely one of our favorite sports, with new teams and new races popping up all around the globe. The United States Adventure Racing Association (USARA) was created in 1998 to develop safety standards and ecological standards, and to provide guidance and assistance for race directors so they may conduct fun, safe, and fair events while providing for the continued sustainability of adventure racing.

Ranking and National Championship 2014

The USARA National Ranking System and the annual USARA Adventure Race National Championship have continually elevated the sport in the last years. This year, several dozen regional qualifying races throughout the US are open to the teams going for glory – or just for the challenge of finishing the race. Adventure Racing is definitely one of the few sports where you’re not mainly fighting your competition, but more often fighting yourself not to give up and to get to the finish line.

The USARA has served over 2500 national events and is focused on the continued positive growth of the sport of adventure racing. We are proud to support this effort with SOURCE Hydration in 2014 and we’re looking forward to many exciting races leading up to the Championships October 2-4 in Deep Creek Lake, Maryland.

More about USARA:

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